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Hello! My name is Vardges Gharibyan. I'm a software engineer with a Bachelor's Degree in "Game & Simulation Programming" from DeVry University. I also have a Certificate of Achievement in "Full Stack Web Development" (MERN, Spring Boot, Django) from a coding bootcamp named Coding Dojo. I'm proficient in modern C++ (C++11/C++14/C++17), Java 8, Python 3, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6) and have completed personal projects in all those programming languages, which are all hosted on my "GitHub" and on this "Portfolio Website". I'm also skilled in data structures and algorithms, complexity analysis (Big O Notation), "SOLID" software design principles (single responsibility principle, open-closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, interface segregation principle, dependency inversion principle), "GoF" software design patterns (creational patterns, structural patterns, behavioral patterns), and 3D math (vector math/linear algebra).

Programming Languages: C++, Java, JavaScript, Python

Frameworks & Libraries: Spring Boot, Hibernate, React, Express, Node, Mongoose, Django

Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite

Game Engines: Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), Unreal Development Kit (UDK), Game Maker 8.0

GameStore | JavaScript MERN App

GameStore is a GameStop clone built using React, Express, Node, and MongoDB. The web app alows users to view games by genre and each game has its own page. Users can search for a specific game through the search bar with dynamic search suggestions and see recommended games based on the game that they are currently viewing. They can also write reviews for each game.

GitHub Repo: Github | View Live Project

Ninja Gold | Java Spring Boot App

Ninja Gold is a web game app built using Java and the web-framework Spring Boot. Players can visit one of four places (farm, cave, house, and casino) to earn gold. Each place uses a different range for randomly generating different amounts of gold. The player only gets three attempts at visiting each place and has to earn at least 100 gold to win. The casino generates the greatest amount of gold, but it can also generate a negative amount, which would result in the player losing gold.

GitHub Repo: Github | View Live Project

User Dashboard | Python Django App

User Dashboard is a web app built using Python and the web-framework Django. Admins and users can leave messages and comments for each other and also edit and delete their own profiles. Admins have the option of editing and deleting other profiles as well. The web app uses RESTful routes and supports login and registration while also leveraging Bcrypt’s password hashing function to enhance security.

GitHub Repo: Github | View Live Project

Queuing System | C++ Console App

Queuing System is a general-purpose single/multi server simulation program built in C++ that determines how long items, such as people or cars, must wait in line before being served. It takes four values as input, which are simulation length, number of servers, transaction time, and time between arrivals, and then calculates the average time for waiting. Time is represented in minutes.

GitHub Repo: Github | View Screenshots

Tic-Tac-Toe | C++ Console App

Tic-Tac-Toe is a two-player game built in C++ as a console application using Visual Studio 2019 (IDE).

GitHub Repo: Github | View Screenshots

Escape From Maze | C++ Console App

Escape From Maze is a 2D maze built in C++. It has pre-defined obstacles, boundaries, and only one exit. The maze lets the user select a starting location and then it determines if there is a path to the exit.

GitHub Repo: Github | View Screenshots

Sheep Man | Game Maker 8.0

Sheep Man is a multi-level 2D action game built with Game Maker 8.0. The goal of the game is to move all the sheep into the barn before the wolf catches them. The player can move around with the "ARROW" buttons and can also shoot the wolf with the "SPACE" button.

Download Game (Windows 32-bit Version) | View Screenshots & Gameplay

Desperate Escape | Unreal Development Kit (UDK)

Desperate Escape is a 3D survival horror game built in Unreal Development Kit (UDK). In the game, the player has to escape from the sewers while fighting mutated giant rats. Also, the game provides pick-up items for health and ammo.

Download Game (Windows 32-bit Version) | View Screenshots & Gameplay

Puzzle Master | Unreal Engine 4 (UE4)

Puzzle Master is a 3D puzzle game built in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). The player has to solve two puzzles in the game involving rotating one or more objects and stepping on the correct blocks in order to find the passcode for the exit door.

Download Game (Windows 64-bit Version) | View Screenshots & Gameplay


For more information, please contact me by e-mail or LinkedIn message. Thank you!